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2008-06-02 17:11:03   出处:   发布人:连云港律师网   浏览:1518

          第一章  总  则
    第一条  为了加强精神药品的管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》的规定,制定本办法。
    第二条  精神药品是指直接作用于中枢神经系统,使之兴奋或抑制,连续使用能产生依赖性的药品。
    第三条  依据精神药品使人体产生的依赖性和危害人体健康的程度,分为第一类和第二类,各类精神药品的品种由卫生部确定。
          第二章  精神药品的生产
    第四条  精神药品由国家指定的生产单位按计划生产,其他任何单位和个人不得从事精神药品的生产活动。
    第五条  精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂的年度生产计划,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局联合下达。第二类精神药品制剂的年度生产计划,由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门会同同级医药管理部门联合下达。
    第六条  精神药品的原料和制剂,按国家计划调拨,生产单位不得自行销售。
    第七条  精神药品的原料和制剂的生产单位必须建立严格的管理制度,设立原料和制剂的专用仓库,并指定专人管理;建立生产计划执行情况的报告制度,按季度报省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门和同级医药管理部门,并报卫生部和国家医药管理局备案。
          第三章  精神药品的供应
    第八条  精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局指定的经营单位统一调拨或者收购;第二类精神药品制剂,由县以上卫生行政部门会同同级医药管理部门指定的经营单位经营,其他任何单位和个人均不得经营。
    第九条  精神药品的原料和第一类精神药品制剂的供应计划,由卫生部会同国家医药管理局,根据省、自治区、直辖市医药管理部门提出的计划,综合平衡后与生产计划一并下达。第二类精神药品制剂的供应计划,由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门会同同级医药管理部门联合下达。
    第十条  第一类精神药品只限供应县以上卫生行政部门指定的医疗单位使用,不得在医药门市部零售。第二类精神药品可供各医疗单位使用,医药门市部应当凭盖有医疗单位公章的医生处方零售。处方应留存两年备查。
    第十一条  科研和教学机构因科研和教学需要的精神药品,需经县以上卫生行政部门批准后,由指定的医药经营单位供应。
          第四章  精神药品的运输
    第十二条  生产单位和供应单位托运精神药品(包括邮寄),应当在货物的运单上,写明该精神药品的具体名称,并在发货人记事栏内加盖“精神药品专用章”,凭此办理运输手续。
    第十三条  运输单位承运精神药品,必须加强管理,及时运输,缩短在车站、码头、机场存放时间。铁路运输不得使用敞车,水路运输不得配装仓面,公路运输应当苫盖严密,捆扎牢固。
    第十四条  精神药品在运输途中如有丢失,承运单位必须认真查找,并立即报告当地公安机关和卫生行政部门查处。
          第五章  精神药品的使用
    第十五条  医生应当根据医疗需要合理使用精神药品,严禁滥用。除特殊需要外,第一类精神药品的处方,每次不超过三日常用量,第二类精神药品的处方,每次不超过七日常用量。处方应当留存两年备查。
    第十六条  精神药品的处方必须载明患者的姓名、年龄、性别、药品名称、剂量、用法等。
    第十七条  精神药品的经营单位和医疗单位应当建立精神药品收支帐目,按季度盘点,做到帐物相符,发现问题应当立即报告当地卫生行政部门,卫生行政部门应当及时查处。
          第六章  精神药品的进出口
    第十八条  精神药品的进出口业务由对外经济贸易部指定的单位按照国家有关对外贸易的规定办理。
    第十九条  因医疗、教学和科研工作需要进口精神药品的,应报卫生部审查批准,发给《精神药品进口准许证》后,方可申请办理进口手续。
    第二十条  出口精神药品、应当向卫生部提出申请,并交验进口国政府主管部门签发的进口许可证,经卫生部审查批准,发给《精神药品出口准许证》后,方可办理出口手续。
    第二十一条  精神药品的进口、出口准许证由卫生部统一印制。
          第七章  罚  则
    第二十二条  凡违反本办法的规定,有下列行为之一的,由当地卫生行政部门没收全部精神药品和非法收入,并视情节轻重,给予非法所得金额五至十倍的罚款,停业整顿,吊销《药品生产企业许可证》、《药品经营企业许可证》、《制剂许可证》的处罚:
    第二十三条  对利用职务上的便利,为他人开具不符合规定的处方,或者为自己开具处方,骗取、滥用精神药品的直接责任人员,由其所在单位给予行政处分。
    第二十四条  凡违反本办法的规定,制造、运输、贩卖精神药品,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究其刑事责任。
    第二十五条  当事人对行政处罚不服的,可在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,向作出处理的机关的上一级机关申请复议。上一级机关应在接到申请之日起十五日内作出答复。对答复不服的,可在接到答复之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉。对处罚决定不服而逾期又不起诉的,原处理机关可向人民法院申请强制执行。
          第八章  附  则
    第二十六条  对兽用精神药品的管理,由农业部会同卫生部根据本办法制定具体办法。
    第二十七条  本办法由卫生部解释。
    第二十八条  本办法自发布之日起施行。
          Important Notice: (注意事项)
    英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
    当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This  English document is coming from the  LAWS  AND  REGULATIONS  OF THE
which  is  compiled  by  the  Brueau  of  Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of  the  People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.
          Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the 25th Executive Meeting of the  State  Council  on
November 15, 1988 and promulgated by Decree No. 24 of the State Council of
the People's Republic of China on December 27, 1988 and  effective  as  of
the date of promulgation)
          Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These  Measures  are  formulated   in   accordance   with   the   Medicine
Administration Law of the People's Republic of China in order  to  further
control psychotropic drugs.
Article 2
Psychotropic drugs refer to those drugs that produce direct effect on  the
central nerve system so as to excite or sooth the sense and may result  in
drug dependence through constant use.
Article 3
According to  the  extent  of  drug  dependence  and  hazards  to  health,
psychotropic drugs are classified into category I  and  category  II.  The
classification shall be done by the Ministry of Public Health.
          Chapter II The Production of Psychotropic Drugs
Article 4
Psychotropic drugs  shall  be  produced  according  to  the  plan  by  the
production units appointed by the State. No other unit or individual shall
be allowed to engage in the production of psychotropic drugs.
The units that  may  produce  raw  materials  of  psychotropic  drugs  and
psychotropic drugs of  category  I  shall  be  appointed  jointly  by  the
Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine.
The units that may produce psychotropic drugs  of  category  II  shall  be
appointed  jointly  by  the  health  administration  department   at   the
provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly under  the  Central
Government) level and the administrative department for  medicine  at  the
corresponding level.
Article 5
The annual production plan for raw materials of psychotropic drugs and for
the psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made jointly by the Ministry
of Public Health and the State Administration  for  Medicine.  The  annual
production plan for the psychotropic drugs of category II  shall  be  made
jointly  by  the  health  administration  department  at  the  provincial,
autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central Government)
level and the administrative department for medicine at the  corresponding
Without authorization, no production unit shall be allowed to  change  the
production plan of psychotropic drugs.
Article 6
Raw materials of  psychotropic  drugs  and  psychotropic  drugs  shall  be
allotted by the State according to  plan.  No  production  unit  shall  be
allowed to sell them without authorization.
Article 7
The units that produce raw materials of psychotropic drugs and  the  units
that produce psychotropic drugs must establish a strict control system.
The raw materials and the drugs must be kept in separate storage under the
charge of person(s) specially appointed for the purpose.  They  must  make
regular reports about the fulfillment of the seasonal production  plan  to
the  health  administration  department  at  the  provincial,   autonomous
regional or municipal (directly under the Central  Government)  level  and
the administration department for medicine at the corresponding level  and
send copies of the reports to the Ministry of Public Health and the  State
Administration for Medicine for the record.
Waste materials discharged during the  production  of  psychotropic  drugs
must be treated properly so as not to pollute the environment.
          Chapter III The Supply of Psychotropic Drugs
Article 8
Raw materials of psychotropic drugs and psychotropic drugs of  category  I
shall be allotted or purchased by the drug dealer units appointed  jointly
by the  Ministry  of  Public  Health  and  the  State  Administration  for
Medicine. Psychotropic drugs of category II shall be handled by  the  drug
dealer units appointed jointly by the health administrative department  at
or above the county level and the administrative department  for  medicine
at the corresponding level. No other unit or individual shall  be  allowed
to engage in the trading of psychotropic drugs.
Article 9
The plan for the supply of raw materials of psychotropic drugs and for the
supply of psychotropic drugs of category I shall be made  jointly  by  the
Ministry of Public Health and the State Administration for Medicine  after
balancing the plans made by the administration department for medicine  of
each province,  autonomous  region  or  municipality  directly  under  the
Central Government and shall be assigned together with the production plan
by the  Ministry  of  Public  Health  and  the  State  Administration  for
Medicine. The plan for the supply of psychotropic drugs of category II
shall be assigned jointly by the health administrative department of  each
province, autonomous region or municipality  directly  under  the  Central
Government  and  the  administration  department  for  medicine   at   the
corresponding level.
Article 10
The psychotropic drugs of category I are available only to  those  medical
treatment units appointed by the health administrative  department  at  or
above the county level. No retail sale of these drugs shall be allowed  at
any drug stores.
The psychotropic drugs  of  category  II  are  available  to  all  medical
treatment units. Drug stores may sell such drugs by retail on the strength
of a doctor's prescription with an official seal of  a  medical  treatment
unit stamped on.  The  prescriptions  must  be  kept  for  two  years  for
reference. Any medical unit in need of psychotropic drugs  of  category  I
must purchase them at a designated drugstore with a  Purchasing  Card  for
Psychotropic Drugs issued by the health administrative  department  at  or
above the county level. The Purchasing Card for Psychotropic  Drugs  shall
be made solely by the Ministry of Public Health.
Article 11
The psychotropic drugs needed in scientific research or teaching shall  be
provided by the appointed drug dealers with  an  approval  by  the  health
administrative department at or above the county level.
          Chapter IV Transportation of Psychotropic Drugs
Article 12
When consigning psychopharmaceuticals, the production unit or  the  supply
unit must fill out the full name of the  drug  on  the  parcel  form,  and
stamp, in the space for the consigner, a  special  Seal  for  Psychotropic
Article 13
The transportation units must strengthen  administration  work  to  ensure
prompt shipment of psychotropic drugs by shortening its  storage  time  at
the station, on the dock or at the airport. They must not  be  transported
in open wagons on railways and, if by ship, no top loading is allowed;  if
by truck, they must be securely fastened up and safely protected.
Article 14
In the event that any of the psychotropic drugs is found  missing  in  the
course of transportation, the freighter-unit must report the case promptly
to  the  local  public  security  organ  and  the  health   administrative
department for investigation.
          Chapter V The Use of Psychotropic Drugs
Article 15
Doctors must prescribe psychotropic drugs on the basis of the actual  need
in treatment.  Abuse of such drugs  is  strictly  forbidden.  Normally,  a
prescription for the psychotropic drugs of category I shall not exceed the
therapeutical dosage for three days. A prescription for  the  psychotropic
drugs of category II shall not exceed the therapeutical dosage  for  seven
days. The prescriptions must be kept for two years for reference.
Article 16
On a prescription of psychotropic drugs, the name, age, sex of  the  user,
the name of the drug, dosage  and  administration  must  be  written  down
clearly. The drug dealer unit and  the  medical  treatment  unit  are  not
allowed to alter the purchasing certificates  and  the  prescriptions  for
psychotropic drugs.
Article 17
The drug dealer unit and the medical treatment unit are required to keep a
balance account book of psychotropic drugs. An inventory of the drugs must
be made every three months to ensure the stock  conforms  to  the  account
book. Should anything suspicious is found, a report must be made  promptly
to the local health administrative department and  the  latter  must  make
immediate investigation in the matter.
Psychotropic drugs purchased by the medical treatment  unit  can  only  be
used in their unit. No resale of the drugs shall be allowed.
          Chapter VI The Import and Export of Psychotropic Drugs
Article 18
The import and export of psychotropic drugs shall be handled by the  units
appointed by the Ministry of  Foreign  Economic  Relations  and  Trade  in
accordance with the State provisions governing foreign trade.
The annual plan for the import or export of  psychotropic  drugs  must  be
submitted to the Ministry of Public Health for examination and approval.
Article 19
Medical treatment units, medical  colleges  or  medical  science  research
institutions that are in need of imported psychotropic drugs  must  submit
an application to the  Ministry  of  Public  Health  for  examination  and
approval. Only after a License for the Import  of  Psychotropic  Drugs  is
issued to them can they go through import formalities.
Article 20
The units that  export  psychotropic  drugs  are  required  to  submit  an
application to the Ministry of Public  Health,  together  with  an  import
license issued by the competent government  department  of  the  importing
country, for examination and approval. Only after a License for the Export
of Psychotropic Drugs is  issued  to  them  can  they  go  through  export
Article 21
The License for the Import of Psychotropic Drugs and the License  for  the
Export of Psychotropic Drugs shall be exclusively printed by the  Ministry
of Public health.
          Chapter VII Penalty Provisions
Article 22
Any violator of these Measures for any one of the following acts shall  be
punished by the local health administrative department. The penalty  shall
cover confiscation of all the psychotropic drugs and the illegal gains,  a
fine 5 to 10 times the illegal gains according to the seriousness  of  the
case, suspension of business operations for rectification or revocation of
the  License  for  Pharmaceutical  Production  Enterprise,   License   for
Pharmaceutical Business Enterprise or License for Medicaments:
(1) those who produce psychotropic drugs or change the production plan  or
produce additional kinds of psychotropic drugs without authorization;
(2) those who are engaged in the trading  of  psychotropic  drugs  without
(3) those who prepare and sell any  form  of  psychotropic  drugs  without
(4) those who use veterinary psychotropic drugs on the human beings;
(5) those who import or export psychotropic drugs without authorization.
Article 23
Those who  take  advantage  of  their  professional  work  by  prescribing
psychotropic drugs to other persons without complying with the rules or by
prescribing the psychotropic drugs  for  themselves,  and  those  who  are
directly responsible for cheating to gain or abusing the  drugs  shall  be
given disciplinary sanctions by the authorities of the unit they are in.
Article 24
Those  who  violate  these  rules  by  producing,  shipping   or   trading
psychotropic drugs illegally, if the circumstances are serious  enough  to
constitute a crime, shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility to  be
investigated by the judicial organs according to law.
Article 25
A party who  is  dissatisfied  with  the  decision  on  an  administrative
sanction may,  within  15  days  of  receiving  the  notification  on  the
sanction, make a request for reconsideration to  the  authorities  at  the
next higher level who shall make a reply within 15 days after it  receives
the appeal.
If he is dissatisfied with the decision of reconsideration, he may, within
15 days of receiving reconsideration  decision,  bring  a  suit  before  a
people's court. if, upon the expiration of  this  period,  the  party  has
neither complied with the  sanction  nor  has  brought  a  suit  before  a
people's court, the authorities that impose the sanction shall request the
people's court to issue an injunction for compulsory enforcement.
          Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 26
Specific measures for the control of veterinary psychotropic  drugs  shall
be formulated jointly by the Ministry of Agriculture and the  Ministry  of
Public Health in accordance with these Measures.
Article 27
The right to interpret these Measures resides in the  Ministry  of  Public
Article 28
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
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